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The Ukrainian Gas E&P Forum

January 29, 2019 @ 9:00 am - 5:00 pm


WHEN: 29 January 2019. See full programme here

WHERE: Burlington House, Piccadilly, Mayfair, London W1J 0BD, United Kingdom

Admission: £549 + UK VAT at 20%. Registration fee includes attendance, networking meetings, refreshment breaks, luncheon and drinks reception. Register here

The government of Ukraine recently announced an extensive international oil & gas licencing round, releasing 30 onshore hydrocarbon blocks to be sold via online auction. The first round of 10 blocks was announced in early December and the auction takes place on 6th March.

This timely Forum has been convened to bring together an international audience of potential strategic investors to meet with key stakeholders from the Ukrainian oil & gas sector and to learn more about the emerging opportunities to invest and participate in Ukraine’s national programme to achieve energy self-sufficiency.

The speaker panel will feature key Ukrainian officials, representatives of leading state-owned and private energy companies, present and potential strategic investors and leading international energy experts and commentators. Attendees will have all their questions answered about the licencing round, including detailed information about the blocks on offer and how to participate in the auctions. Other topics to be covered in the course of the day include:

  • An overview of upcoming tenders for Production Sharing Agreements;
  • Forecasts for natural gas demand and pricing in Ukraine;
  • Opportunities for service companies to partner with state-owned oil & gas producers under the Production Enhancement Contracts;
  • Progress report on the unbundling of the Transmission System Operator from Naftogaz;
  • PLUS: 1-to-1 meetings with key industry representatives will be facilitated throughout the day.

The Forum follows on from the Ukrainian Energy Day, which took place in June 2017 in London and attracted over 120 senior energy executives from 14 different countries.

See more details and full programme here


January 29, 2019
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
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burlington house
London, W1J 0BD + Карта Google